
Single sourcing for databases management with RAP, EMF and Teneo

In the previous article Single sourcing with Eclipse RAP we have seen how to develop an Eclipse project and then run it both as a Desktop (RCP) Application an as a Web (RAP) Application. Now we will see how to go further and develop a database Application with the same dual approach. We will use EMF and Teneo for this, in the same way showed in the series of tutorials "From Model to Persistence" at page EMF Development. In the following instructions we must make a clear distinction between installing some feature into the IDE or into the Target Platform [...]

By |2012-08-15T16:06:27+00:00August 15th, 2012|

CDO – Connected Data Objects

Introduzione a CDO Questo framework, che è un componente del progetto EMF, permette la condivisione di un modello EMF. Se con Teneo quindi possiamo fare in modo che ciascun client possa accedere ad un database (realizzando un client/server a due livelli), con CDO abbiamo la possibilità che i vari client accedano ad un server che mette loro a disposizione la medesima istanza, condivisa, del modello EMF. In questo tutorial vedremo come: installare CDO creare un server CDO creare un client CDO Per una documentazione dettagliata su CDO potete consultare il seguente link Mentre qui potete scaricare le varie versioni [...]

By |2020-04-27T09:20:45+00:00September 23rd, 2011|

EMF Development

This section was designed with the aim to be a practical path for learning how to quickly develop Eclipse RCP application based on EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) (work is in progress ...) First steps How to create an RCP application From Model to Persistence Eclipse EMF: Designing the Model Eclipse EMF: a CRUD at no-cost Teneo Setup for Eclipse 4.2 ÔÇô Juno Eclipse EMF: an out-of-the-box CRUD for a database Eclipse EMF: updating the Model CDO - Connected Data Objects Visual Development WindowBuilder: installing and EMF databinding WindowBuilder: advanced databinding with CDO Single Sourcing with Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Single [...]

By |2014-12-19T15:51:31+00:00September 16th, 2011|

Eclipse EMF: an out-of-the-box CRUD for a database

This tutorial assumes that you have followed these other tutorials in the specified order: Eclipse EMF: Designing the Model Eclipse EMF: a CRUD at no-cost the goal here is to show how, with just some extra lines of code added to the EMF generated plugins, we can have our model persisted and maintained on a database. We will use MySQL as the target database, so make sure you have the access to such a database server (you can always download it at We'll use the "test" schema (pre-loaded empty while installing MySQL); anyway you can use another schema simply [...]

By |2013-01-20T10:57:25+00:00August 11th, 2011|
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