Eclipse e4

Eclipse e4: Kepler Tools

The new Eclipse 4.3 release, also known as Kepler, is going to be released and along with it will be available the new version of the Eclipse e4 Application Development Tools. For those who want to begin looking at the new cool features here is where to start: download Eclipse Kepler RC3 (package "for RCP/RAP Developers") from install e4 Tools for Kepler from And here are some of the new features Extracting a fragment from the Application Model As showed in the tutorial How to contribute to an e4 application modularity in e4 can be obtained with fragments [...]

By |2014-12-04T11:42:03+00:00May 11th, 2013|

First Eclipse 4 Training in Italy with Vogella

Last week I had the chance for a unique and amazing experience: being co-trainer, side-by-side with Lars Vogel, for the first Eclipse e4 Training in Italy! It has been a five days of intensive and engaging learning time, alternating slides presentation for showing the concepts to live-coding from-scratch examples. Further, after every presentation, the participants had the chance to practice the just learned concepts, ask, share doubts and approaching techniques. Since the very first moments it emerged how powerful is this new development platform; here are some among the main advantages, with respect to the previous 3.x way. Application model [...]

By |2014-12-04T11:47:56+00:00March 14th, 2013|

First steps with Eclipse e4

In June 2012 a very important thing happened in the Eclipse world: e4 platform replaced the great and long lasting 3.x version , which started in 2004 with the release of 3.0 version. During these eight years great progress have been made. In fact Eclipse has become matchless both as an IDE and as a platform. Not to mention moreover that it is completely Open Source and with a particularly "commercially friendly" (EPL) license! e4 platform is kind of a revolution with respect of the previous version. To begin with it is completely EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) -based, it got [...]

By |2014-12-19T12:58:43+00:00September 17th, 2012|
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