RCP Vision holds courses on the following topics, but We also offer custom training packages on specific customer needs as well.  The courses alternate short theoretical and practical sessions, during which participants will carry out practical examples.

For more information  please send an email to training@rcp-vision.com or press the button below.


Java Fundamentals

Duration: 3 Days
Audience: Beginners
Basic knowledge of programming

Java For Beginners

This course covers fundamentals of java programming language, the basic concepts and the essential libraries. At the end of the course the participants will be able to create simple Java applications on their own.

Advanced Java

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Fundamentals of Java programming

Java course for expert

This course provides an overview of techniques and technologies required to build complex applications, Web and Desktop.

Java 8

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java programming

Java course for expert

This course provides an overview of new features of Java 8. Main topics will be lambdas, streams and basic techinques of functional programming with practical examples.

Java 9

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java programming

Java course for expert

This course provides an overview of new APIs and modularity system of Java 9.
Main topics: Jigsaw Project, HTTP 2.0 and Process API.


Basic RCP

Duration: 3 Days
Audience: Software Developers and Architects
Strong knowledge of Java programming

Eclipse RCP for Beginners

This course provides the foundation for understanding how to build an application with Eclipse RCP. At the end of the course the participants will be able to create Eclipse applications and plugins.

Advanced RCP

Duration: 3 Days
Audience: Eclipse Developers and Architects
Solid Java experience, experience with Eclipse RCP

Advanced Eclipse RCP for experts

For those already familiar with the development of rich client applications with Eclipse RCP, these three intensive days are designed to learn more about frameworks and the use of more advanced techniques.

Eclipse 4

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Experience with Eclipse, good knowledge of Java

Elcipse 4 for beginners

This course will help you understand how to implement your own application based on the Eclipse 4 platform.

Migration from 3.x to e4

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good Knowledge with Eclipse RCP

Eclipse 4 migration training

This course provides all tools to migrate an Eclipse 3.x application to the new e4 (Eclipse 4 ) platform. Focus on a medelod workbench and EMF.


Modeling with EMF

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Develpoers and Architects
Basic knowledge of programming

EMF for beginners

EMF is the Eclipse framework for modeling and code generation facility for development of applications based on structured data models.

Advaced EMF

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: EMF Develpoers and Architects
Basic knowledge of EMF

EMF for expterts

This training leads the attendees into the internal details of EMF runtime, dealing with model transformations, tips & tricks.

Build UI with EMF Parsley

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java programming

Java course for expert

Learn hwo to build powerfull interfaces upon your EMF models with built-in components and easy customizations.

Graphical Modeling with Sirius

Duration: 3 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Basic knowledge EMF

Build your grafical DSL

Sirius is an Eclipse project which allows you to easily create your own graphical modeling workbench by leveraging the Eclipse Modeling technologies.

Textual Modeling with Xtext

Duration: 3 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Basic knowledge EMF

Build your textual DSL

Xtext is a framework for development of programming languages and domain-specific languages.

Xtend programming language

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java programming

Xtend: Java 10 today!

Xtend is a flexible and expressive dialect of Java, which compiles into readable Java 5 compatible source code. Get productive and write beautiful code with powerful macros, lambdas, operator overloading and many more modern language features.


OSGI / Equinox

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Develpoers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java

EMF for beginners

OSGI Alliance defines the specification for modularity in Java. The course covers fundamentals of OSGI as well as intermediate topics and specific features of Equinox implementation.

Java 9 and Osgi

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Osgi and Java Develpoers and Architects
Basic knowledge of OSGI and Java

Pros and Cons in modularity

This training will address modularity in OSGI and in Java 9, going deep into pros and cons of both aspects.

Agile trainings

Agile & Extreeme Programming

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Developers and Team managers
Team working experiences

Learn how to be agile!

This trainig focus on Agile techniques, what can be used to improove collaboration and work organization.


Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Developers and Operation Managers
Team working experiences

Pros and Cons in modularity

This training addresses DevOps fundamentals: good practices, needed changes, automatic tools and lean processes.

Test Driven Development

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good knowledge of Java

Pros and Cons in modularity

As a part of Agile techiques, TDD is something the every developer should know very well. This course will teach you how to change your everyday work.

Automatic Building and Continuous Integration

Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Developers and Release Engineers
Basic knowledge of Release Engineering

Pros and Cons in modularity

This training addresses automatic building issues and how to implement Continuous integration and Continuous Delivery

Trainings for WEB Development

Google Web Toolkit

Duration: 4 Days
Audience: Java Developers and Architects
Good Knowledge of Java Programming

Productivity for developers

GWT is used by many products at Google, including Google AdWords and Google Wallet. This training will focus on all aspects of this Technologies.


Duration: 2 Days
Audience: Developers and Architects
Basics HTML and Programming

Training on new Angular(2) Framework

This training will focus on all aspect of Angular framework, including Typescript.