
About Vincenzo Caselli

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So far Vincenzo Caselli has created 40 blog entries.

CDO – Connected Data Objects

Introduzione a CDO Questo framework, che è un componente del progetto EMF, permette la condivisione di un modello EMF. Se con Teneo quindi possiamo fare in modo che ciascun client possa accedere ad un database (realizzando un client/server a due livelli), con CDO abbiamo la possibilità che i vari client accedano ad un server che mette loro a disposizione la medesima istanza, condivisa, del modello EMF. In questo tutorial vedremo come: installare CDO creare un server CDO creare un client CDO Per una documentazione dettagliata su CDO potete consultare il seguente link Mentre qui potete scaricare le varie versioni [...]

By |2020-04-27T09:20:45+00:00September 23rd, 2011|

Launch checking

In case you get some error during launch, it is reccomended to check that the launch itself contains all needed plugins. To do this, click Run -> Run Configurations... select the launch go to Configuration tab and make sure that Clear the configuration area before launching flag be active then go to Plug-ins tab and verify that all dependences are resolved, with button Validate Plug-ins if you get a popup with message "No problems were detected." you are done, otherwise, if some dependence is missing, press button "Add Required Plug-ins", then Apply. Back to index

By |2012-06-08T11:27:50+00:00September 17th, 2011|

Eclipse EMF: updating the Model

Now we will see how to handle a Model update. Let's say we want to add the "surname" attribute to Author entity. Open the model diagram (Library.ecorediag) and add the new attribute still of EString type Save the changes (Ctrl-S), re-open file Library.genmodel, and re-generate the sources for the following plug-ins: Model, Edit and Editor (remember to click on each of the first three context-menu items) Re-launch the application (doing a Clean and checking the launch, in case of errors)   If you check the database now, you'll find that table "author" has a new "surname" field, which the application [...]

By |2012-06-08T11:29:09+00:00September 17th, 2011|

Clean workspace

In case of errors in the workspace, it could be useful to make a Refresh and a Clean operation. Here you'll find how: Refresh Let's select all plug-ins inside the workspace, right-click Refresh on the context menu. Clean Click the menu item Project => Clean... Back to index

By |2012-06-08T11:44:04+00:00September 17th, 2011|

EMF Development

This section was designed with the aim to be a practical path for learning how to quickly develop Eclipse RCP application based on EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) (work is in progress ...) First steps How to create an RCP application From Model to Persistence Eclipse EMF: Designing the Model Eclipse EMF: a CRUD at no-cost Teneo Setup for Eclipse 4.2 ÔÇô Juno Eclipse EMF: an out-of-the-box CRUD for a database Eclipse EMF: updating the Model CDO - Connected Data Objects Visual Development WindowBuilder: installing and EMF databinding WindowBuilder: advanced databinding with CDO Single Sourcing with Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Single [...]

By |2014-12-19T15:51:31+00:00September 16th, 2011|

Eclipse-IT 2011 The Sixth Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community

The sixth Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community, Eclipse-IT 2011, will take place in Milan, on September 22-23, at University of Milano Bicocca. Among the most important speakers Ralph Mueller, Director of Eclipse Foundation. RCP Vision will hold the following talks: Extending the BPEL Designer with Xtext based editors Sviluppo rapido di applicazioni Eclipse RCP basate su EMF  

By |2011-09-10T23:06:55+00:00September 10th, 2011|

How to create an RCP application

Select File -> New -> Other... and choose Plug-in Project, then Next. In Project name field let's give a name to our project, e.g. it.rcpvision.rcptutorial.application leave other options unchanged and press Next. At the next step let's make sure that Would you like to create a rich client application? flag is selected and press Next. At next wizard step let's select the Hello RCP Template, then Next and give a name to our application, e.g. Library Manager and press Finish. At the next popup we can select Remember my decision and press No (Java perspective is more than enough for [...]

By |2014-12-19T15:48:49+00:00August 22nd, 2011|

And the winner is: WindowBuilder

The news was already interesting enough less than a year ago, when we published the article Visual Editor or WindowBuilder Pro. Since then however many other things have happened. In short: december 15th, 2010 Google Open Sourced the source code of WindowBuilder Pro and donates it to the Eclipse Foundation (see announcement) june 1st, 2011 Visual Editor Project was archived (here the announcement and the archived project page) june 21st, 2011 Project WindowBuilder Pro enter the Indigo train, the official release of Eclipse 3.7 (code name Indigo). Here are some more detail on the event: Window Builder, Top Indigo Feature [...]

By |2011-10-17T22:53:03+00:00August 16th, 2011|

Eclipse EMF: an out-of-the-box CRUD for a database

This tutorial assumes that you have followed these other tutorials in the specified order: Eclipse EMF: Designing the Model Eclipse EMF: a CRUD at no-cost the goal here is to show how, with just some extra lines of code added to the EMF generated plugins, we can have our model persisted and maintained on a database. We will use MySQL as the target database, so make sure you have the access to such a database server (you can always download it at We'll use the "test" schema (pre-loaded empty while installing MySQL); anyway you can use another schema simply [...]

By |2013-01-20T10:57:25+00:00August 11th, 2011|

Teneo Setup for Eclipse 4.2 – Juno

In this section we will see how, starting from Eclipse Juno Modeling, you can install some plugins that will allow management of the persistence to a database using the Teneo framework. This framework implements a layer that links EMF and ORMs like Hibernate or EclipseLink, which in turn handle the persistence on relational databases. The advantage, in using Teneo, is that you can act at EMF level and hit the database, without knowing the intermediate mechanisms. Regarding the database choice, in this series of articles, we will work with MySQL as target database. Go to menu Help -> Install New [...]

By |2013-01-20T09:39:59+00:00August 8th, 2011|
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