This year the main european event around Eclipse, the Eclipse Con Europe 2012, will co-locate the OSGi Community Event 2012.
The location is the traditional Schlosspark Forum in Ludwigsburg (Germany) where the events will take place form 23th to 25th of october.
Last year, Eclipse’s 10th anniversary celebration, there was largest attendance ever (536). This year, the OSGi co-located event and the new Eclipse 4 (Juno) platform release, the expectations are even bigger.
The keynotes will be the following:
- The Future Is Unmanned – J├Ârg Lamprecht, founder of Aibotix, a company that builds flying robots
- We Can Do Better: IBM’s Vision of the Next Generation of Java Runtimes – John Duimovich, IBM‘s Chief Technology Officer for Java
- Welcome to the New Web – Chris Heilmann, Mozilla
The first day morning will hold the tutorials (7 in all), 3.5-hour sessions following spep-by-step the main Eclipse experts. Then there will be several sessions, some 55-minute long while others of 25 minutes. There will be also many Sponsored Workshops (90 minutes).
Find other details here
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