
Build your EMF Parsley application

Introduction In a previous article we have seen how to create from scratch a web application example with EMF Parsley. Now we'll go a step further and in particular we will see how to: make some little tweaks to make it easier the development customize the application Internal or External browser? In order to test the application you can use both the internal browser (the one that opens inside Eclipse IDE by default when you launch the application) or any other browser (external) you wish, as far as you point to the same URL. Using RAP you may see often [...]

By |2017-08-13T09:37:38+00:00August 13th, 2017|

EMF Parsley: a web application in a few steps

Introduction With EMF Parsley you can quickly build and easily maintain a web application. Let's see how. Indeed Parsley allows you to build both desktop and web applications from the same code (single-sourcing), leveraging on Eclipse RCP platform and using RAP for the web, but for the purpose of this article we will focus only on the web side. Setting up the environment First of all ensure you have a recent Eclipse IDE installed and running on a brand new workspace. If you downloaded the Eclipse Modeling Package then you already have EMF Parsley installed, otherwise you can install it [...]

By |2017-08-13T09:27:40+00:00August 10th, 2017|

First Eclipse 4 Training in Italy with Vogella

Last week I had the chance for a unique and amazing experience: being co-trainer, side-by-side with Lars Vogel, for the first Eclipse e4 Training in Italy! It has been a five days of intensive and engaging learning time, alternating slides presentation for showing the concepts to live-coding from-scratch examples. Further, after every presentation, the participants had the chance to practice the just learned concepts, ask, share doubts and approaching techniques. Since the very first moments it emerged how powerful is this new development platform; here are some among the main advantages, with respect to the previous 3.x way. Application model [...]

By |2014-12-04T11:47:56+00:00March 14th, 2013|

Single sourcing for databases management with RAP, EMF and Teneo

In the previous article Single sourcing with Eclipse RAP we have seen how to develop an Eclipse project and then run it both as a Desktop (RCP) Application an as a Web (RAP) Application. Now we will see how to go further and develop a database Application with the same dual approach. We will use EMF and Teneo for this, in the same way showed in the series of tutorials "From Model to Persistence" at page EMF Development. In the following instructions we must make a clear distinction between installing some feature into the IDE or into the Target Platform [...]

By |2012-08-15T16:06:27+00:00August 15th, 2012|

Single sourcing with Eclipse RAP

An introduction to RAP RAP (Rich Ajax Platform) is the framework that allows you to develop an RCP application an make it available over the network just pointing the browser to a given link. In this article we will see how you can develop an RCP application and launch it both as a desktop as well as a web application. Yes, sure, exactly the same source code! Don't you believe it? Try it yourself.   Setup your IDE for RAP The fastest way to get RAP working is downloading the Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers package from page http://www.eclipse.org/downloads [...]

By |2012-07-08T16:24:58+00:00April 15th, 2012|

Launch checking

In case you get some error during launch, it is reccomended to check that the launch itself contains all needed plugins. To do this, click Run -> Run Configurations... select the launch go to Configuration tab and make sure that Clear the configuration area before launching flag be active then go to Plug-ins tab and verify that all dependences are resolved, with button Validate Plug-ins if you get a popup with message "No problems were detected." you are done, otherwise, if some dependence is missing, press button "Add Required Plug-ins", then Apply. Back to index

By |2012-06-08T11:27:50+00:00September 17th, 2011|

Clean workspace

In case of errors in the workspace, it could be useful to make a Refresh and a Clean operation. Here you'll find how: Refresh Let's select all plug-ins inside the workspace, right-click Refresh on the context menu. Clean Click the menu item Project => Clean... Back to index

By |2012-06-08T11:44:04+00:00September 17th, 2011|

EMF Development

This section was designed with the aim to be a practical path for learning how to quickly develop Eclipse RCP application based on EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) (work is in progress ...) First steps How to create an RCP application From Model to Persistence Eclipse EMF: Designing the Model Eclipse EMF: a CRUD at no-cost Teneo Setup for Eclipse 4.2 ÔÇô Juno Eclipse EMF: an out-of-the-box CRUD for a database Eclipse EMF: updating the Model CDO - Connected Data Objects Visual Development WindowBuilder: installing and EMF databinding WindowBuilder: advanced databinding with CDO Single Sourcing with Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) Single [...]

By |2014-12-19T15:51:31+00:00September 16th, 2011|

How to create an RCP application

Select File -> New -> Other... and choose Plug-in Project, then Next. In Project name field let's give a name to our project, e.g. it.rcpvision.rcptutorial.application leave other options unchanged and press Next. At the next step let's make sure that Would you like to create a rich client application? flag is selected and press Next. At next wizard step let's select the Hello RCP Template, then Next and give a name to our application, e.g. Library Manager and press Finish. At the next popup we can select Remember my decision and press No (Java perspective is more than enough for [...]

By |2014-12-19T15:48:49+00:00August 22nd, 2011|
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