
Circa Vincenzo Caselli

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Finora Vincenzo Caselli ha creato 40 post nel blog.

Objects detection with YOLO technique using Deeplearning4j

Detecting objects in an image can be accomplished in a variety of ways, but among them YOLO (You Only Look Once) is by far the most easy and efficient one. Since YOLO is based on deep learning and deep learning has two faces (training and testing/execution) you may be wondering which side of the coin we will focus on here. Well, the process of training a neural network may be a complex task that requires time, powerful hardware (possibly GPU+Cuda), expertise in the specific field and a trial and error scientific approach. Here instead we will see how to use [...]

Di |2020-07-01T17:07:52+00:00giugno 30th, 2020|

The Linux Desktop 2 (ArcolinuxB Deepin)

If I only could ... You work with a good professional workstation or laptop and would like to set it up for the maximum productivity and still have a gorgeous user experience? You work in the machine or deep learning domain and would like to exploit the full GPU & Cuda power of your NVIDIA card? You don't want to wipe out your pre-installed Windows since occasionally you want to have the chance to get back to it, just because 'you never know..' ? If your answer to these questions is yes then keep on reading: I'll show you the way step by [...]

Di |2020-07-02T07:50:08+00:00marzo 22nd, 2020|

Convolutional Neural Networks with Eclipse Deeplearning4j

In the previous article we have seen how to use Eclipse Deeplearning4j for building, training and testing a simple and classic MLP  (Multi Layer Perceptron) neural network. As a dataset we used the "hello world" example of deep learning, that is the MNIST: a dataset of 70,000 b/w images of 28×28 pixels, representing handwritten 0-9 digits. Now we will explore a different architecture known as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which is very powerful, particularly when dealing with image classification tasks. After having explained how this network works and why it is so efficient, then we will take our previous MLP example, [...]

Di |2020-07-02T07:46:47+00:00febbraio 2nd, 2020|

The Linux Desktop: Arch + Deepin

Using Linux as a desktop on a professional workstation or laptop is becoming an awesome and productive experience. Put together the fastest distro (Arch) and the most gorgeous desktop environment (Deepin) and you will get a powerful and magnificent working environment. I will get into details right away, but for the impatients here are the my preferred ISOs for the above goal: Manjaro Deepin 18.02 Arcolinux B Deepin Discovering Arch I've been using Linux for quite some time now (almost 20 years), often trying to use it in place of Windows, but for a number of reasons I often had [...]

Di |2020-03-31T04:02:17+00:00gennaio 1st, 2020|

EclipseCon 2019: deep learning & other cool stuff

Since 2008 I missed only one EclipseCon Europe, the annual Eclipse Conference held in Ludwigsburg, Germany. This year the program committee accepted a talk from us about deep learning in general and DL4J as an Eclipse Project. Having a talk accepted from the committee is always an honour and a pleasure, but this time it was particularly special for a couple of reasons: it was the only talk about deep learnig in the program and ... well, it was scheduled in the forum theatre, where keynotes, announcements, welcome and important talks and closing sessions are held. Therefore, when I entered [...]

Di |2020-03-31T04:00:44+00:00novembre 9th, 2019|

Build your first neural network with Eclipse Deeplearning4j

In the previous article we had an introduction to deep learning and neural networks. Here we will explore how to design a network depending on the task we want to solve. There is indeed an incredibly high number of parameters and topology choices to deal with when working with neural networks: how many hidden layers should I set up? What activation function should they use? What are good values for the learning rate? Should I use a classical Multilayer Neural Network, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) or one of the other architectures available? These questions are [...]

Di |2020-03-28T17:31:41+00:00giugno 2nd, 2019|

Un tool per lo Sviluppo web Angular con Eclipse

State cercando un plug-in di Eclipse che sia gratuito, leggero e open source e che vi permetta, come Sviluppatori Web, di essere estremamente produttivi usando Angular (o qualsiasi altro framework basato su HTML, Javascript o Typescript)? Potreste allora essere interessati ad installare Wild Web Developer. Per installare Wild Web Developer su Eclipse vi basterà selezionare Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..., digitare "wild web" nel campo "Find:" e premere Enter. Poi premete il button Install e seguite lo wizard finchè non vi chiede di eseguire il restart di Eclipse.

Di |2020-03-31T03:59:26+00:00gennaio 20th, 2019|

Introduzione al Deep Learning

Leggete e sentite parlare continuamente di Deep Learning e vorreste conoscere alcune basi di questo argomento? Bene, allora continuate a leggere: in questo articolo vi farò una semplice introduzione alle fondamenta del deep learning, valida a prescindere dal linguaggio, libreria o framework che potreste scegliere in futuro.   Che cos'è il deep learning? Va chiarito subito che tentare di spiegare il deep learning in modo adeguato richiederebbe un bel po' di tempo e non è lo scopo di questo articolo. L'obiettivo qui è quello di aiutare il principiante a capire le basi dell'argomento. Tuttavia anche un esperto potrebbe trovare qualche [...]

Di |2020-03-28T17:49:11+00:00agosto 10th, 2018|

How to plot a graph with Nebula XYGraph

Nebula is an Eclipse Project that allows you to use hundreds of cool widgets to make your application really awesome. XYGraph is one of them and you can use it to plot a graph with plenty of options. Let's see how to do that. In Eclipse menu select Help, Install New Software..., put the following Update Site in the Work with field   then expand Nebula Release Individual Widgets node and select Nebula Visualization Widgets, finish the installation and let Eclipse restart. Now you can create a new application with File, New, Project, Plug-in Development, Plug-in Project, Next. Give the [...]

Di |2020-03-31T03:58:02+00:00agosto 8th, 2018|

Linux as a Desktop

The Goal Since my first encounter with Linux, around 2000, I made several attempts to adopt it as a real and productive desktop environment for the enterprise. However, for a number of practical reasons, after a while (some days or weeks), I always resigned and got back to Windows. Every time there were problems here and there that accumulated one after another and made me think "why on the earth I keep on trying to switch to Linux when I just don't have all these problems with Windows?". The Problems Which problems? Well, sometimes problems with hardware management (wifi connection, [...]

Di |2020-04-27T08:26:35+00:00giugno 9th, 2018|
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