The EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) project is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model. From a model specification described in XMI, EMF provides tools and runtime support to produce a set of Java classes for the model, along with a set of adapter classes that enable viewing and command-based editing of the model, and a basic editor.
GMF (Graphical Modeling Framework) provides a generative component and runtime infrastructure for developing graphical editors based on EMF and GEF (Graphical Editing Framework).
The CDO (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models. CDO is also a model runtime environment with a focus on orthogonal aspects like model scalability, transactionality, persistence, distribution, queries and more.
CDO has a 3-tier architecture supporting EMF-based client applications, featuring a central model repository server and leveraging different types of pluggable data storage back-ends like relational databases, object databases and file systems. The default client/server communication protocol is implemented with the Net4j Signalling Platform.
Build your EMF Parsley application
Introduction In a previous article we have seen how to create from scratch a web application example with EMF Parsley. Now we'll go a step further and in particular we will see how to: make some little tweaks to make it easier the development customize the application Internal or External browser? In order to test the application you can use both the internal browser (the one that opens inside Eclipse IDE by default when you launch the application) or any other browser (external) you wish, as far as you point to the same URL. Using RAP you may see often [...]